October is probably the best month to visit Algoma Country and take world famous train trip to Agawa Canyon. This one day wilderness train tour takes you 183 kms north of Sault Ste. Marie, but at the speed of 15-35 MPH it takes 4 hours to get there! Riding the train in September for a total of 8 hrs, looking mostly at the green trees along the train tracks was not extremely interesting. There were only a couple of places, like the view of the Lake Superior and Montreal River trestle where it made sense to take a few photos. Agawa Canyon is breathtaking, unfortunately we only had less than 2 hrs to explore it. This was just enough time to climb 320 steps to the lookout point, take a couple photos and hurry back down to the train.
Surprisingly, Sault Ste. Marie had lots of attractions which definitely made the trip worthwhile. Among the most interesting ones are Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre, Soo Locks and Frontier Village.
For trip summary please look for “Agawa Canyon, Ontario Sept 2015” album in Photo Albums collection.
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